Getting Started with Designs
What does your user need to know to try your project?
What does your user need to know to try your project?
Welcome to MeshMap, your comprehensive tool for creating and managing cloud native deployment designs. This documentation will guide you through the steps, emphasizing the underlying system behavior for each action you take.
Prior to deploying a design, you can validate the configuration that it contains in accordance with the target platform.
MeshMap Designer supports freestyle design, meaning that you can customize the appearance and layout of your diagrams without any constraints.
Learn how to leverage comments in MeshMap’s Designer Mode to enhance collaboration and streamline design reviews.
Share design with other users and use control access to manage design access permissions and visibility.
Create a MeshMap design from a Helm Chart.
Published designs are available from the Layer5 Cloud catalog. Published designs are a collection of curated, reusable solutions to the most common problems in cloud and cloud native infrastructure management.
Undeploy a design in order to rollback a deployment from one or more Kubernetes clusters.
Relationships identify and facilitate genealogy between Components.
Each Meshery design is deployable to one or more Kubernetes clusters.
Designer mode is for those who want to create their own MeshMap, using the palette of components provided by Meshery.
Meshery uses relationships to map how interconnected components interact.
Whiteboarding and Freestyle Drawing inside MeshMap
Meshery Designs are descriptive, declarative characterizations of how your Kubernetes infrastructure should be configured.
Meshery Components are reusable, interactive elements that can be used to build your Meshery designs. Learn how to work with components.
Treat designs as templates by cloning an existing design to modify and build upon.
Learn about Collaborative Editing
How to embed your designs for sharing on your sites.
How to export your designs for backup , sharing or offline use .